• The 2021 harvest lets the vineyard do the talking



The 2021 harvest lets the vineyard do the talking

Last year's harvest was a source of great satisfaction for wine connoisseurs in search of excellence. The vineyards spoke in the form of the very highest quality grapes, which will recount memorable stories in upcoming toasts. The final outcome is the result of months of dedication and care while keeping an eye on the skies in the face of ever-increasing adverse weather conditions. Yet, in the end, it rewarded the great tenacity of those who work this land, so rich in ancient charms. The vigour of the tasting experience thus becomes sensorial and seeks to leave its mark in the form of a narrative journey. It becomes part of the life story of each and every one of us, as we celebrate with the clinking of glasses clamouring for Masseria Capoforte wines.


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